Friday, December 17, 2021

Reply to Lucy

 Professor: Nag


Forgiveness / Forgive, Forget

"Forgiveness is Great, Right ?

" Wrong !

Forgiveness is another religious concept that has been distorted

to control the masses of sheep.

Let me explain the problem with forgiveness:

Unless we have been physically hurt by another person,

and even that can only hurt our bodies,

not our souls,

 our pain is self inflicted.

The whipmaster is an ego

whose job it is to keep us in the track of seeking pleasure

and avoiding pain,

which is a round about way of denying us our souls...

denying us our souls being the ego's primary job.

Actually the ego's primary job is self preservation

and the soul is the one thing that the ego fears most,

as it is it's destroyer.

The reality of the pain we believe others inflict upon us

is that our ego's inflicts it upon ourselves.

They may be standing over there saying "blah blah blah blah,"

but we turn it into a transgression by our ego's reaction to it.

Forgiveness implies and in the process validates a transgression

that doesn't exist anywhere except in our own minds

and our consequent emotional reaction to that.

Possibly that person is attempting to inflict emotional pain

or mental confusion upon us,

and possibly their intentions are not "good",

but that is their problem to deal with.

If we take their problem unto ourselves

with our judgments and emotional turmoil....

who then is playing the ego's fool?

Therefore in our high and mighty forgiveness

we are actually the ones transgressing Peace.

We are transgressing Spirit

by placing blame on someone

for doing something to us that we have really done to ourselves.

Placing blame is just another ego tool

to move stuff around in the web of our ego created illusion,

to make us feel a little more comfortable.

It's important to understand that whenever we forgive,

we are also placing blame/judgment.

So there is no evolution,

there is no letting go.

We may have, in all our wonderful goodness

granted this person our forgiveness,

but first we had to blame them for doing something to us,

that we actually did to ourselves.

Blame is as much a transgression

as whatever it is they did that we have forgiven.

Even Steven / No evolution.

As far as forgiving and forgetting goes:

When we say we are forgetting, we are wrong,

first of all we are creating that negative thing we say we are going to forget,

then we stuff it away in a dark corner of our mind.

Humans never really forget short of brain damage...

And then our created transgressions will manipulate us

in the future

from the dark corners where they hide.

The bottom line is that nobody really does anything to us,

we do it to ourselves by our mental and emotional reaction to it.

Even a physical blow does not touch our soul,

unless we, through a lot of negative energy, let it.

And now we have all those little demons

that we can't even see,

manipulating us from their dark corners...

very counter productive.

When we learn to free ourselves from the cords of man

and find our rightful place in the web of Spirit,

it will be impossible for us to be "hurt" by our fellow man.

We will discuss this later in the term.

Replace forgiveness with

 "Simply Loving".

Homework: Write something about forgiveness. What was learned today in class?

Applied Magic 101

Jeff Wilson

Professor: Nag




Forgiveness implies a transgression where none has occurred.

The implication of a transgression by the person "forgiving"

is as much of a transgression as the one that is supposedly being forgiven.

A soul can not be transgressed,

only an ego.

Forgiveness is an act of ego

that only serves to bolster the ego.

Forgiveness comes from blame,


and self inflicted emotional turmoil.

Blame is as much a transgression as whatever we are forgiving.

Don't forgive ....

Simply Love!