Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dealing with Certain Uncomfortable Bi-Products of the "Quickening"

This is a reply on another post to some people who were recently "awakened" then went into "a dark period of their souls" They were questioning why after their awakening and all that bliss, did it seem to get so dark and hellish... This is my response to that post.
This is very common... Happened to me as well.
I made it all the more intense by following right after with an intense period of "Light" meditations, spending hours and hours in the Light..
It is a good topic you brought up here. 35 years ago when it happened to me the world was not in the Quickening that we are now. Your experience will become ...and is becoming much more common every day I see posts about this, so let's understand it, and I'll tell you what my guides said that saved me...
First of all your "awakening" could also be referred to as an "enlightening". When we are awakened we are flooded on deep levels with the light.
Now throughout the ages of our evolution, prior to the Awakening we have evolved by adding to ourselves based upon desire, and repelling that which we fear or judge. We have created a dualistic being where all we ever strive for is the feel-good...and we push the "feel bad" judged stuff into the dark corners.
Well then we reach the end of that creating road and turn back upon the path we have traveled, at this point we have our "awakening".. The light floods in, and illuminates the demons we created through our dualistic judgements. They are no longer in their dark corners because the dark corners are temporarily illuminated. Yikes... A lot of stuff happens on a lot of levels now... Depression, anxiety, unknown fears....
Basically we see parts of ourselves we've hidden from for an eternity.
So let me tell you how my experience played out .
As I say I was consciously illuminating everything after my Awakening... I had guides guiding me, yet I did not quite follow their suggestions... I went beyond what they suggested, spending far more time in the Light than I could consciously assimilate. When I wasn't in a state of Illumination, OH MY GOD, all I could see was the dark stuff....in myself, and I constantly felt like such a fool that finally I couldn't handle it any more.
I was driving along freakin out, I spoke out and said, OK, I'm done with all this meditation stuff, I can't stand to see what a fool I am. Now the guide sitting, well floating above the passenger seat piped in, and this is what was said,
" You are not what you see when you look at your reflection in the mirror.
This is what you were.
You are the one doing the Looking.
Switch from what you see, to the seer,
Don't judge the past that you are seeing
and you'll be fine.

That changed everything. And things started to fly.

We are now walkin back down the path we came up...
Everything we pushed aside with our fear,
we will will pass back over.
If we "judge" it again, as is our old habit....
it will trap us.
If we suspend judgement,
and love the path we have traveled...
when living in all our "ignorance"
we can move swiftly along.
The Light is shining brighter now...
When we come upon yesterdays fears we must learn the new approach...
which is not based upon chasing desire,
and running from fear...
but is based in Love and understanding that in The One We All Are,
there is no duality.


  1. Jeff, I am reading your posts from 2011 and they are just so deep and enlightening. I am glad that you put THIS into words. Sorry, I am posting Anonymous as any other way I tried had failed. Best wishes from Ireland. Irina

  2. Hi. I would like to ask you about some of the things you've written here on this blog, but I don't see any email address.

  3. You can just ask the questions here...
