Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Method of “Direct Knowing”

Method of “Direct Knowing”

Ok, I know there is some merit to sharing opinions about cosmic subjects in that it helps to expand “the collective consciousness”. But unless those partaking in the discussion are speaking from experience, it’s all hearsay. And really we only “learn” from our own experience….not from accepting hearsay. So maybe what a good thing to begin sharing would be techniques for folks to use so that they can directly “Know” things for themselves. So here I propose a method I find works well. What it basically is, is Called contemplation, however the meaning of that word has been modified to mean something more like “mulling over”. You see contemplation is not an action of the mind.. it is not thought, or thinking….or mulling over. It is ceasing the thinking principle and focussing the intention upon that which we wish to understand. Originally contemplation, or at least in my learning….meant “Identification with”…. Which amounted to “Being that which you contemplate”….because we can only really know something, by being it…

So, how is this accomplished?
On the one hand it is very simple…. But humans tend to be complex.
My method is to withdraw my consciousness into my third eye…. To ask whatever question you have, or focus your eyes on a particular thing you wish to contemplate….. then let go of yourself…let go of your mind, your emotions…but keep your intention focussed. It is very important to “let go of your description” of how things are because this process is beyond the realm of your knowledge…and things ….reality as you know it will cease to be. This is what stops most people…when things begin to dissolve before their eyes, and take on totally different qualities …people kind of freak out. I have spent most of my life barring direct perception, and it is getting much more difficult. In fact the energy that I must put out now to hold that perception at bay, has almost blinded me…well it did in one eye that I got a new lens put in, the other is going now….all because we are just so comfortable with our ….hmmm, limited frequency range of perception. It’s been encoded in our DNA, and it’s what everybody agrees upon….but it is an extremely limiting view. So I’m deciding to cease my quest for normalcy, to see as deeply as my body wants to see….and to start speaking my truth even though it pisses a lot of people off who are even more comfortable in their little boxes than I am… 

So to contemplate sometimes I used to find it easiest to do it in total and absolute darkness. That way when the images appear you know that they are not part of your ordinary world, and you are less prone to try to fit them in your box. The whole point of contemplation is to leave your box and become what you are focussed upon. The biggest road block is fear. It first shows itself when things “start to change”..that is the first hurdle…. The second hurdle is when your identification begins to switch from the perceiver…to the perceived. This scares the crap out of most people…. I think, well I know from experience there is this momentary thought that ,”you will lose yourself”… And the fact is that you do, but there is this silver cord that always pulls you back to yourself . So Contemplation and knowing is simply said a matter of letting go of yourself and becoming something else for a time….. But that is easier said than done, yet totally possible. In Tibet we started this training with certain objects…non-breathing objects, like stones. Sit in front of a totally white background and focus your consciousness in your third eye, then focus your eyes on the stone. HMMM, rephrase….focus is not the right word for what the eyes do, in fact don’t focus your eyes…. You will know when you are getting close because you will see 2 images. This is not because you are crossing your eyes as some folks who have worked with Shamans have theorized (naturally so because you are seeing 2 images)…But what is actually happening is that once you remove your mind from the equation…. Well you have 2 eyes, and it is all part of the programming in our little box of perception, that causes the brain to turn 2 images into one. So Let the image spread out. Don’t think about it, but focus your will upon the stone. Normally there is a point where the small stone begins to look huge…it’s like you are coming into the orbit of a huge planet….keep not thinking, keep letting go without fear…and a point will come where you ARE the stone. Then for me I become aware of the whole web of Creation and how it is all connected……
I just think it is definitely time for folks to learn to perceive “what is” beyond what they think is….. I’ve kept all this to myself….made myself blind and other things because in my whole life I never came across anybody who had a clue about what I was talking about…… but this Quickening is bringing folks out from under the rocks where they have been hiding from themselves…..and I think it’s time to start talking about this stuff. Defining what is, only expands your definition….but if we learn to actually perceive what is….. we can take it to the next level. You see the time is rapidly approaching where we will have a much larger frequency band of awareness literally thrust upon us. If we retain the habit of defending and defining our limited perception…. It won’t be that easy of a transition…. How would you like to be on a mega acid trip, without being able to come down…… well that’s about the size of it, so now is a good time to begin perceiving beyond our very narrow band of awareness…so we can get used to it . Contemplation and meditation are the tools to this end….