Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tip on Knowing your Guides or Angels

So, people keep asking what is a good way to contact your guides or angels.
Well of course we all have a bit of a different way .... but tonight a good useable answer came.
OK, to contact your guides:
First realize that Spirit or God or whatever you call it,
is like a string of pearls.
You each are a pearl in the string...
but you are also the string..
and you are also the necklace.
Every bead in that string,
is you,
just at a different point on the necklace.
So, the happy and genuinely true fact of the matter is
You are your Guides
Just somewhere else on the necklace.
Know this deeply
and you will find it easier to touch that part of yourself.
You tomorrow..... you yesterday
You in timeless space, on another planet....
You from Beginning to End
When we get quiet enough
to disconnect from the drama of this little creation.
This little pearl that we are
we can again know the necklace.


  1. A little nearer I guess :) Thank you. Found you on spiritualforums :)

  2. Awesome, I'll keep going there....
