Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Protection...A lot of Newagers aren't going to want to hear this

New Topic : Protection.

While flittin about the web I see a lot of questions in forums.
Many souls are strongly feeling the increase of LIGHT,
and it’s various manifestations
such as increased …sensitivity.
We are becoming more aware of the duality,
all the while learning to transcend this “duality”.
Many young people are “being enlightened”, and they don’t know how to deal with it.
Older People who have felt their souls through their lives
but who hid what they felt
as it was making them scary to people in little boxes….
and they were surrounded by these people…
their parents….
their friends…
”their Church”….
None could they express their truth to without a fear based reaction...
so they shut down.….
but now the Light is pushing upon and within them and they can no longer deny for the sake of appearances,
who they really are…..
So suddenly so many are accepting the Light that shines forth from their souls…
But they have no language for it,
and they suddenly find themselves without “community”,
without a support group that stands with them and say’s….
“Yes, this is Real.”
So we find these places upon the web to gather our connections……
to agree upon a higher thing….
Here we are…..
The question for tonight is one I see all over out there, again and again..
so we can address it here,
and it is about sensitivity.

Suddenly we are opening up….
We are letting more Light in,
and this is moving us into new vibrations,
into new levels of perception.
Naturally at first all these new experiences are a bit strange,
but only because we have in our lives up to that point,
no reference for them.
We are gathered here together in these cyber web,
and we are creating the reference…
we are building the new Dream together.

I just got a flash, let’s see where it goes… Now we have reached a point in evolution where we are no longer living for the purpose of fulfilling the egos dream.
. Perfectly.
Now instead of viewing so much of the world through the egos fear and desire projections….
We are hearing the whispers of our souls.
We are seeing through eyes that are new to us.
What is happening is folks view instead of being built upon yesterday….
suddenly is what it is,
in the present.
We have been viewing the world how it isn’t,
ever since we decided to be something separate,
thousands of years ago…
This is a very important time for folks to start learning about contemplation
Because this is how they will soon be perceiving everything,
and it would be good to get some practice ahead of time.

You see, we have not been “seeing” the truth of things,
for thousands of years….
It is not something that we have done.
We have seen descriptions of the truth for thousands of years.
We have been living disconnected from the truth of everything around us because we have been perceiving it through our minds and emotions of things we “learned” in the past.
Everything we have “known”
has been part of the dualistic pleasure/pain…. Desire/fear….. World.
We have been chasing a dream,
for centuries.

And we found it

Only we didn’t know we had found it.

And all we knew how to do was keep looking.

But suddenly, having found “it”,
though not knowing it…
we kinda feel like all that “chasing the dream thing”,
was pointless…
jeeze, kinda anti climactic…..
Then we died and were born again…
Our new bodies were done chasing the dream
But that’s all we knew how to do..
And all our parents and friends knew how to do.
We saw a Bright White Joyful Blissful Ecstatic Light while we were dead
And we come here pretty sure that that is what we are chasin..
Not yesterdays dream.
But the road to that Light
Heading in the opposite direction of where we have always gone.
As it turns out,
that Light exists at the beginning of the long path we just traveled.
So we turn upon the path and head back towards this light.
And what we encounter on the way back, for one thing…
Is a lot of trash and stuff we left along the trail on our way up.
And we’re finding we need to deal with that “stuff”
to not get blocked on the Road.
But upon choosing this new direction,
everything has changed.
Suddenly we “feel” things,
Whereas we used to “think” about them.
The things we “know” now are not an accumulation of interconnected little factoids that make some kind of logical point.
We feel now…
we “Know” in our hearts,
we know in our bellies….
We have ceased “holding the dream together”
as strongly as many of our fellow humans.
Our descriptions…are just descriptions,
but not our shackles.
We suddenly perceive beyond the Box….
And it can be weird at first….
But everything is weird at first.
It is very important now to learn to
“let the description go”
What is, beyond the description
Is the Truth we seek.
The time is coming where we will begin seeing what really is
Rather than what our minds based upon past pleasure and pain,
tell us it is.
Learning contemplation, is a first step.

So sensitivity, how to deal with “negative “vibes.
I don’t believe I’m an expert on this..
I was open as the Grand Canyon,
But my “protection” was extremely hazardous to my health,
so I won’t tell you how I dealt with it most of my life.
There are lots of little tricks we can all share, which would help each other…
But also all that is kind of “after the fact”
Let’s see what is occurring…
OK, hitherto our perception was based upon impressions coming to us through the “cords of Man”
We reached out from our bellies and touched the world based upon our past fear and desire.
Our cords showed us “our ego’s dream”, and it was basically understandable,
as we had created it step by step.
But upon turning suddenly the view makes no sense,
because what was behind us
Is now in front of us
And we are seeing it from an entirely new angle.
Now we are shifting to “the cords of God”
which come from out of our heads,
and the “cords of the Goddess”,
which come from our hearts.
This is a new perception for us…
it see’s what is
Not what our ego’s supposed it was.
Suddenly the whole world is different.
But we are here together
Sorting it out
The reason we are so “sensitive” is that we are feeling our new awareness through the cords of God and Goddess, and not the cords of Man.
But we are responding to them through some of our old withering cords of man.
We are responding to what our hearts and minds know…with our bellies.
Herein lies the problem.
Some folks wear metal or wood shields under their clothing,
covering their bellies, as an aid .
Some do sit up’s and make their belly muscles a shield…this helps…
Some surround themselves with white Light…this helps.
But you see the way the cords of man work is that we are affected
Only when we are infected
It is about resonating.
We are affected when something in us
Resonates in harmony,
or dischordantly with
Something “outside of” us.
What we perceive through our bellies, through the cords of Man,
is not what is,
It is what was.
My mistake was protecting myself
Blocking the “negative” energy.
This is a farce,
it’s pretending that what we are blocking
Is not currently in us…
But it is,
Or we would not feel the need to block it.
So What is the solution?
Now we called the cords of the heart, “The Cords of Goddess”
We called the Cords coming out of the Head, “The Cords of God”
Well I’m afraid if we want to put this all in context
We’d have to call the cords in the Belly,
Not the cords of Man,
But the cords of Satan.

If we want to be in balance and not affected every time, “Negative” vibes happen
We have to merge the three cords of perception.
We have, thanks to the church” been putting Satan in the fiery pit of hell
For centuries.
Pretending that hell was not of our own creation
In fact it was our creation
And we were living in it.
And it was full of “good and bad” things
Yet the whole of it was Sacred.
After all it was the Souls dream in the first place
It was just the ego’s job to carry it out.
We have been so programmed for so long to deny the truth
Make Satan “bad” and God and Goddess good.
Like the hippies say, “it’s all good”…
You could say, and be accurate on one level that,
God gave Satan the sacred job of Bringing about his creation..
And since this creation was viewed as being something separate from the God who created it, by the Church, and they pronounced this as evil, well Satan became the “bad” guy.
I mean in a dualistic reality, if you have a good guy, you have to have a bad guy.
And I’m sure we all know that the “church’s” main function is to keep us trapped in a dualistic view.
Well that is changing for us, certainly anybody who has managed to read this tirade this far.
We are beginning to see what is
Not a limited description founded in a dualistic view.
So what am I saying, am I going to make some point?
I’m saying merge the three, god, goddess and Satan
Love it all
Any protecting is a verification we are still keeping to a dualistic view.
The problem arose because those souls who turned in their direction
From their Creation
To their Creator
They Suddenly start seeing how all the things they had “built themselves upon” only took them further from their God and Goddess.
And how sad and pathetic their little creation was
Compared to The God and Goddess they were looking towards now…
They judged the whole path they had followed, as a mistake…downright dumb.
Look at all the stupid stuff we did to make our ego’s happy.
But we are forgetting,
all of that….
Was our souls dream
And all of That,
was God and Goddesses dream.
What I’m saying is that when we get all sensitive and shook up, and feel “bad Vibes”
We are feeling a part of our past…and judging it…
Dat B Dat and Dat b wut it B.

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