Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pushin and Pullin and Life in La La Land

Pushin and Pullin
Life in La La Land

I just want to say up front that this will seem harsh to many… So just to be on the safe side you might want to gird your loins.

Tonight the subject is going to start out being about the “pushin and pullin” we do to the world we live in.
In fact the world we live in is totally the product of our” pushin and pullin”.
We came into being,
and our very first step was based upon desire to be something.
We had this idea to be something other than that solitary spark of light.
And in that moment of our sacred birth we spoke our desire,
we spoke our dream.
And upon that our world began to form.
Now all we had to do was satisfy “the Dreamer”.

So we embarked upon creating the dream..
We started gathering all the pieces with our desire….

So anyway we pursue the dream that is deep within our soul….
Yet we pursue it guided by our egos…..
at least for the first part of our evolution….
And what our ego’s job basically is,
is to help manifest our souls dream…
see, it’s not so bad the ego…
And how it does this is it pulls things to us that fulfill it,
and it pushes away those things that might keep it from being fulfilled.
Pushin and pullin…
(the Law of Attraction/and Repulsion)
Our world forms
and is created upon desire (pullin),
and fear (pushin).
And the ego’s job is to help satisfy the desire,
and protect us from those things we have pushed away with our fear.
You see whatever threatens the comfort of the desire,
the comfort of our creation….
We fear….
And we protect ourselves from.

Now the people who want to sell you a book,
so their comfort can be “secured”,
well they cater of course to you desire.
Not your fear.
They tell you all the great news about, ”the Law of Attraction",
yet somehow forget to mention the other half of that Law….
One does not exist without the other.
It is the Law of Attraction and the Law of Repulsion.
There is no just “Law of Attraction.
We desire…. But in the same breath must repel what is contrary,
or threatening to that desire.
Pushin and pullin.

To get, you gotta give
And to Give
You gotta get.
Sorry Law of Attraction folks,
the dues for the Get are not simply the desire to have.
The Giving is not the Desire
Then what is the Giving for the Get…???
There is a Law that states that we must fully appreciate what we get,
if we want to get more.
But every single step of the way we only appreciated the parts we did not fear.
We did not appreciate the whole picture.
Well for the Law of Attraction and Repulsion to work
We must appreciate all of it.
And this Appreciation is the give for the get
The dues for your Gets,
is the appreciation of EVERYTHING you have gotten.
But not just for what made you feel good.
For all of It,
because you are made upon all of it.
And to love yourself,
as you must
You have to love all of it
that is part of you
All that has made you
And in the end
This is Everything
To know Spirit
We must appreciate everything
Not just what our ego says will feel best.

We can live in our happy Lala land of chasing our desires and creating our dream, but there is in the process an inherent fear. We fear whatever threatens our La La land. People in the US and many “civilized” countries are as a group, living in La La land, NOT FACING THE FEAR THAT’S COMES WITH THEIR CREATION, partially because the Powers that Be manage to keep them out of the populaces faces and over in those pesky third world countries…. But we don’t want to hear about that, we don’t want to know about all the horrific genocide that is happening all over around us…it threatens our little LA LA land.
I’m not going to go on and on about the horror that occurs in other parts of the wold that are paid for by our tax dollars, I won’t talk about the horrors we wonderful spiritual individuals finance on a daily basis through our taxes, because I would lose more than half of you at that point.
You don’t want to talk about the negative,
you want to feed the positive…
because our worlds are what we make them
with our attention and intention.
I could tell you all sots of things that are going on and you might say,
”why would we want to hear those things, they just put fear in us…
We don’t want to live in Fear.”
Yes, so very high and noble of us,
but what is really going on here?
You might ask, “why do you want to make us afraid?
Why are you putting those fears in us?

Ha ha ha,

I don’t “make you afraid”
or “put a fear “ in you by my speaking.
Those fears are already in you…
I just reminded you of them…
you have been doing a wonderful job in La La land
pretending they don’t exist…
they do,
because at the slightest mention of something that doesn’t even exist in this moment,
you want to close you eyes,
hold your ears
and go LA LA LA LA LA LA LA.
I think that’s why they call it LA LA land..
The Fears mostly been in you for centuries..
But here is the deal,
sorry to burst the lovely LA LA bubble but,
those fears are there.
Being Cleopatra or whoever her husband the King of Denial was,
isn’t going to help in the long run.
I used to have this tenet I lived by…
It was pretty ignorant by today’s standards,
but was the wisdom of the hour at the time…
That’s funny…
But it was….
” Just don’t think about it, and the little fearful devils will disappear because they are vain, and need attention to stay alive.”
And I lived like this for many undisturbed years in lala land
ignoring the Fear.
(although totally enveloped in it)
But you know what….
It did not go away,
it was just waitin there for me to turn my head towards it
so it could make the scary face and make me pee in my pants.
So I watched the TV and “focussed on all the good stuff”….
But dang if when I turned around again,
it was still there.
Well I got really good at not looking in the direction of my fear for some time….
I guess I didn’t see that big mac Truck coming
cuz I wasn’t lookin in that direction..
My point is this…..
We know the first half of the equation when we turn on the road is to switch our desire for aspiration,
no longer desiring to satisfy the little separate self,
but rather aspiring to find our Greater Self….
But we don’t want to face the other part of the equation
cuz it’s scary.
The point is that fear does not exist outside of ourselves…
It is not something we can protect ourselves from…
because it is within us…
Each time throughout lifetimes that we were hurt,
we learned to repel and avoid that which hurt us
(good survival technique),
but at the same time we became afraid,
we felt threatened.
Our history of thousands of years became the quest for comfort,
and we could not be comfortable in the same room with our fears….
So we learned to avoid them….
Suddenly it’s like one eye was plucked from our heads because we have stopped looking at on whole direction…
Yet it is more comfortable……
But then for some reason those things we fear keep poppin up.
We keep having to have the same hard lessons over and over.
Because our ego’s can’t really take us to the next stage of our souls dream,
if we are barricaded against half of ourselves.
There is only one way to deal with the fear,
and move on..
and that is to turn in it’s direction…
and “see it with equal eyes”.
Love it.
It is a part of the whole thing.
We are this ONE Thing
and I will come back to the point that says,
“ does an arm, fear a leg, or does the ear, fear the mouth?”….
The things we fear are part of the history that has made us what we are,
but our fear was a judgement based upon protecting that little portion of the Dream.

But we are done…
Timer went off,
creation based upon fear and desire is complete,
good job.
Now we’ve turned back,
and the first things we are faced with are the fears and desires that led us here.
We must not judge them,
we must allow ourselves to see the big picture of what We All Are….
and where We All have come from.

Sometimes I say things to slap people with their fear.
Maybe this is rude.
But I’m not speaking fear…
there is no fear in me of the things that I am speaking of.
The fear is in the reaction and deep in the being of those who have it within themselves.
So why would I inflict this upon my sacred brother or sister.
Well first of all, I, by my words don’t, and
because I want them to be aware of what they are afraid of,
and how they turn their backs on it.
And by turning their backs on it they pretend it does not exist in the world.
And yet as we speak here there are innocent people being murdered
for the sake of corporate greed,
and our tax dollars paid for the hit men.
You don’t want to look at it,
and it does not change.

But don’t fear it…
. If you look straight at your fears,
only then will you see that there is nothing to fear.
But avoiding it makes it bigger because you are avoiding it out of fear,
and it feeds on fear.
Do you realize that all the horrible things that occur in this beautiful world
stem from 2 things
Fear and Desire.

We want what they have or are afraid they will take what we do.
Defending our ego’s little speck of ground.
Pushin and Pullin.
We can never get past desire and fear…
unless we look at them…
and see what they really are.
And Love them.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said Jeff.....no fear here...looking it sqaure in the eye. I dont like what i see, but its there regardless...i swam down that river of Denial for long enough and i say NO MORE! It may be scary but its real anything else is as you say "my little LA LA land bubble". Some people will disagree adamently with what you have said here but its time for us to get honest and face the real truth...theres not enough time left for us to hide in our bubbles anymore. I am grateful that there are people like you out there spreading the truth and making people aware of their denials...it makes me feel less alone. I'm not afraid of being alone, i know that when it comes down to it i can't MAKE anyone think or feel or change anything but it is nice to now that there are others out there who see this world and all its complexities for what it really is. Much love to you Jeff xox
