Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Method of “Direct Knowing”

Method of “Direct Knowing”

Ok, I know there is some merit to sharing opinions about cosmic subjects in that it helps to expand “the collective consciousness”. But unless those partaking in the discussion are speaking from experience, it’s all hearsay. And really we only “learn” from our own experience….not from accepting hearsay. So maybe what a good thing to begin sharing would be techniques for folks to use so that they can directly “Know” things for themselves. So here I propose a method I find works well. What it basically is, is Called contemplation, however the meaning of that word has been modified to mean something more like “mulling over”. You see contemplation is not an action of the mind.. it is not thought, or thinking….or mulling over. It is ceasing the thinking principle and focussing the intention upon that which we wish to understand. Originally contemplation, or at least in my learning….meant “Identification with”…. Which amounted to “Being that which you contemplate”….because we can only really know something, by being it…

So, how is this accomplished?
On the one hand it is very simple…. But humans tend to be complex.
My method is to withdraw my consciousness into my third eye…. To ask whatever question you have, or focus your eyes on a particular thing you wish to contemplate….. then let go of yourself…let go of your mind, your emotions…but keep your intention focussed. It is very important to “let go of your description” of how things are because this process is beyond the realm of your knowledge…and things ….reality as you know it will cease to be. This is what stops most people…when things begin to dissolve before their eyes, and take on totally different qualities …people kind of freak out. I have spent most of my life barring direct perception, and it is getting much more difficult. In fact the energy that I must put out now to hold that perception at bay, has almost blinded me…well it did in one eye that I got a new lens put in, the other is going now….all because we are just so comfortable with our ….hmmm, limited frequency range of perception. It’s been encoded in our DNA, and it’s what everybody agrees upon….but it is an extremely limiting view. So I’m deciding to cease my quest for normalcy, to see as deeply as my body wants to see….and to start speaking my truth even though it pisses a lot of people off who are even more comfortable in their little boxes than I am… 

So to contemplate sometimes I used to find it easiest to do it in total and absolute darkness. That way when the images appear you know that they are not part of your ordinary world, and you are less prone to try to fit them in your box. The whole point of contemplation is to leave your box and become what you are focussed upon. The biggest road block is fear. It first shows itself when things “start to change”..that is the first hurdle…. The second hurdle is when your identification begins to switch from the perceiver…to the perceived. This scares the crap out of most people…. I think, well I know from experience there is this momentary thought that ,”you will lose yourself”… And the fact is that you do, but there is this silver cord that always pulls you back to yourself . So Contemplation and knowing is simply said a matter of letting go of yourself and becoming something else for a time….. But that is easier said than done, yet totally possible. In Tibet we started this training with certain objects…non-breathing objects, like stones. Sit in front of a totally white background and focus your consciousness in your third eye, then focus your eyes on the stone. HMMM, rephrase….focus is not the right word for what the eyes do, in fact don’t focus your eyes…. You will know when you are getting close because you will see 2 images. This is not because you are crossing your eyes as some folks who have worked with Shamans have theorized (naturally so because you are seeing 2 images)…But what is actually happening is that once you remove your mind from the equation…. Well you have 2 eyes, and it is all part of the programming in our little box of perception, that causes the brain to turn 2 images into one. So Let the image spread out. Don’t think about it, but focus your will upon the stone. Normally there is a point where the small stone begins to look huge…it’s like you are coming into the orbit of a huge planet….keep not thinking, keep letting go without fear…and a point will come where you ARE the stone. Then for me I become aware of the whole web of Creation and how it is all connected……
I just think it is definitely time for folks to learn to perceive “what is” beyond what they think is….. I’ve kept all this to myself….made myself blind and other things because in my whole life I never came across anybody who had a clue about what I was talking about…… but this Quickening is bringing folks out from under the rocks where they have been hiding from themselves…..and I think it’s time to start talking about this stuff. Defining what is, only expands your definition….but if we learn to actually perceive what is….. we can take it to the next level. You see the time is rapidly approaching where we will have a much larger frequency band of awareness literally thrust upon us. If we retain the habit of defending and defining our limited perception…. It won’t be that easy of a transition…. How would you like to be on a mega acid trip, without being able to come down…… well that’s about the size of it, so now is a good time to begin perceiving beyond our very narrow band of awareness…so we can get used to it . Contemplation and meditation are the tools to this end….

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pushin and Pullin and Life in La La Land

Pushin and Pullin
Life in La La Land

I just want to say up front that this will seem harsh to many… So just to be on the safe side you might want to gird your loins.

Tonight the subject is going to start out being about the “pushin and pullin” we do to the world we live in.
In fact the world we live in is totally the product of our” pushin and pullin”.
We came into being,
and our very first step was based upon desire to be something.
We had this idea to be something other than that solitary spark of light.
And in that moment of our sacred birth we spoke our desire,
we spoke our dream.
And upon that our world began to form.
Now all we had to do was satisfy “the Dreamer”.

So we embarked upon creating the dream..
We started gathering all the pieces with our desire….

So anyway we pursue the dream that is deep within our soul….
Yet we pursue it guided by our egos…..
at least for the first part of our evolution….
And what our ego’s job basically is,
is to help manifest our souls dream…
see, it’s not so bad the ego…
And how it does this is it pulls things to us that fulfill it,
and it pushes away those things that might keep it from being fulfilled.
Pushin and pullin…
(the Law of Attraction/and Repulsion)
Our world forms
and is created upon desire (pullin),
and fear (pushin).
And the ego’s job is to help satisfy the desire,
and protect us from those things we have pushed away with our fear.
You see whatever threatens the comfort of the desire,
the comfort of our creation….
We fear….
And we protect ourselves from.

Now the people who want to sell you a book,
so their comfort can be “secured”,
well they cater of course to you desire.
Not your fear.
They tell you all the great news about, ”the Law of Attraction",
yet somehow forget to mention the other half of that Law….
One does not exist without the other.
It is the Law of Attraction and the Law of Repulsion.
There is no just “Law of Attraction.
We desire…. But in the same breath must repel what is contrary,
or threatening to that desire.
Pushin and pullin.

To get, you gotta give
And to Give
You gotta get.
Sorry Law of Attraction folks,
the dues for the Get are not simply the desire to have.
The Giving is not the Desire
Then what is the Giving for the Get…???
There is a Law that states that we must fully appreciate what we get,
if we want to get more.
But every single step of the way we only appreciated the parts we did not fear.
We did not appreciate the whole picture.
Well for the Law of Attraction and Repulsion to work
We must appreciate all of it.
And this Appreciation is the give for the get
The dues for your Gets,
is the appreciation of EVERYTHING you have gotten.
But not just for what made you feel good.
For all of It,
because you are made upon all of it.
And to love yourself,
as you must
You have to love all of it
that is part of you
All that has made you
And in the end
This is Everything
To know Spirit
We must appreciate everything
Not just what our ego says will feel best.

We can live in our happy Lala land of chasing our desires and creating our dream, but there is in the process an inherent fear. We fear whatever threatens our La La land. People in the US and many “civilized” countries are as a group, living in La La land, NOT FACING THE FEAR THAT’S COMES WITH THEIR CREATION, partially because the Powers that Be manage to keep them out of the populaces faces and over in those pesky third world countries…. But we don’t want to hear about that, we don’t want to know about all the horrific genocide that is happening all over around us…it threatens our little LA LA land.
I’m not going to go on and on about the horror that occurs in other parts of the wold that are paid for by our tax dollars, I won’t talk about the horrors we wonderful spiritual individuals finance on a daily basis through our taxes, because I would lose more than half of you at that point.
You don’t want to talk about the negative,
you want to feed the positive…
because our worlds are what we make them
with our attention and intention.
I could tell you all sots of things that are going on and you might say,
”why would we want to hear those things, they just put fear in us…
We don’t want to live in Fear.”
Yes, so very high and noble of us,
but what is really going on here?
You might ask, “why do you want to make us afraid?
Why are you putting those fears in us?

Ha ha ha,

I don’t “make you afraid”
or “put a fear “ in you by my speaking.
Those fears are already in you…
I just reminded you of them…
you have been doing a wonderful job in La La land
pretending they don’t exist…
they do,
because at the slightest mention of something that doesn’t even exist in this moment,
you want to close you eyes,
hold your ears
and go LA LA LA LA LA LA LA.
I think that’s why they call it LA LA land..
The Fears mostly been in you for centuries..
But here is the deal,
sorry to burst the lovely LA LA bubble but,
those fears are there.
Being Cleopatra or whoever her husband the King of Denial was,
isn’t going to help in the long run.
I used to have this tenet I lived by…
It was pretty ignorant by today’s standards,
but was the wisdom of the hour at the time…
That’s funny…
But it was….
” Just don’t think about it, and the little fearful devils will disappear because they are vain, and need attention to stay alive.”
And I lived like this for many undisturbed years in lala land
ignoring the Fear.
(although totally enveloped in it)
But you know what….
It did not go away,
it was just waitin there for me to turn my head towards it
so it could make the scary face and make me pee in my pants.
So I watched the TV and “focussed on all the good stuff”….
But dang if when I turned around again,
it was still there.
Well I got really good at not looking in the direction of my fear for some time….
I guess I didn’t see that big mac Truck coming
cuz I wasn’t lookin in that direction..
My point is this…..
We know the first half of the equation when we turn on the road is to switch our desire for aspiration,
no longer desiring to satisfy the little separate self,
but rather aspiring to find our Greater Self….
But we don’t want to face the other part of the equation
cuz it’s scary.
The point is that fear does not exist outside of ourselves…
It is not something we can protect ourselves from…
because it is within us…
Each time throughout lifetimes that we were hurt,
we learned to repel and avoid that which hurt us
(good survival technique),
but at the same time we became afraid,
we felt threatened.
Our history of thousands of years became the quest for comfort,
and we could not be comfortable in the same room with our fears….
So we learned to avoid them….
Suddenly it’s like one eye was plucked from our heads because we have stopped looking at on whole direction…
Yet it is more comfortable……
But then for some reason those things we fear keep poppin up.
We keep having to have the same hard lessons over and over.
Because our ego’s can’t really take us to the next stage of our souls dream,
if we are barricaded against half of ourselves.
There is only one way to deal with the fear,
and move on..
and that is to turn in it’s direction…
and “see it with equal eyes”.
Love it.
It is a part of the whole thing.
We are this ONE Thing
and I will come back to the point that says,
“ does an arm, fear a leg, or does the ear, fear the mouth?”….
The things we fear are part of the history that has made us what we are,
but our fear was a judgement based upon protecting that little portion of the Dream.

But we are done…
Timer went off,
creation based upon fear and desire is complete,
good job.
Now we’ve turned back,
and the first things we are faced with are the fears and desires that led us here.
We must not judge them,
we must allow ourselves to see the big picture of what We All Are….
and where We All have come from.

Sometimes I say things to slap people with their fear.
Maybe this is rude.
But I’m not speaking fear…
there is no fear in me of the things that I am speaking of.
The fear is in the reaction and deep in the being of those who have it within themselves.
So why would I inflict this upon my sacred brother or sister.
Well first of all, I, by my words don’t, and
because I want them to be aware of what they are afraid of,
and how they turn their backs on it.
And by turning their backs on it they pretend it does not exist in the world.
And yet as we speak here there are innocent people being murdered
for the sake of corporate greed,
and our tax dollars paid for the hit men.
You don’t want to look at it,
and it does not change.

But don’t fear it…
. If you look straight at your fears,
only then will you see that there is nothing to fear.
But avoiding it makes it bigger because you are avoiding it out of fear,
and it feeds on fear.
Do you realize that all the horrible things that occur in this beautiful world
stem from 2 things
Fear and Desire.

We want what they have or are afraid they will take what we do.
Defending our ego’s little speck of ground.
Pushin and Pullin.
We can never get past desire and fear…
unless we look at them…
and see what they really are.
And Love them.

Protection...A lot of Newagers aren't going to want to hear this

New Topic : Protection.

While flittin about the web I see a lot of questions in forums.
Many souls are strongly feeling the increase of LIGHT,
and it’s various manifestations
such as increased …sensitivity.
We are becoming more aware of the duality,
all the while learning to transcend this “duality”.
Many young people are “being enlightened”, and they don’t know how to deal with it.
Older People who have felt their souls through their lives
but who hid what they felt
as it was making them scary to people in little boxes….
and they were surrounded by these people…
their parents….
their friends…
”their Church”….
None could they express their truth to without a fear based reaction...
so they shut down.….
but now the Light is pushing upon and within them and they can no longer deny for the sake of appearances,
who they really are…..
So suddenly so many are accepting the Light that shines forth from their souls…
But they have no language for it,
and they suddenly find themselves without “community”,
without a support group that stands with them and say’s….
“Yes, this is Real.”
So we find these places upon the web to gather our connections……
to agree upon a higher thing….
Here we are…..
The question for tonight is one I see all over out there, again and again..
so we can address it here,
and it is about sensitivity.

Suddenly we are opening up….
We are letting more Light in,
and this is moving us into new vibrations,
into new levels of perception.
Naturally at first all these new experiences are a bit strange,
but only because we have in our lives up to that point,
no reference for them.
We are gathered here together in these cyber web,
and we are creating the reference…
we are building the new Dream together.

I just got a flash, let’s see where it goes… Now we have reached a point in evolution where we are no longer living for the purpose of fulfilling the egos dream.
. Perfectly.
Now instead of viewing so much of the world through the egos fear and desire projections….
We are hearing the whispers of our souls.
We are seeing through eyes that are new to us.
What is happening is folks view instead of being built upon yesterday….
suddenly is what it is,
in the present.
We have been viewing the world how it isn’t,
ever since we decided to be something separate,
thousands of years ago…
This is a very important time for folks to start learning about contemplation
Because this is how they will soon be perceiving everything,
and it would be good to get some practice ahead of time.

You see, we have not been “seeing” the truth of things,
for thousands of years….
It is not something that we have done.
We have seen descriptions of the truth for thousands of years.
We have been living disconnected from the truth of everything around us because we have been perceiving it through our minds and emotions of things we “learned” in the past.
Everything we have “known”
has been part of the dualistic pleasure/pain…. Desire/fear….. World.
We have been chasing a dream,
for centuries.

And we found it

Only we didn’t know we had found it.

And all we knew how to do was keep looking.

But suddenly, having found “it”,
though not knowing it…
we kinda feel like all that “chasing the dream thing”,
was pointless…
jeeze, kinda anti climactic…..
Then we died and were born again…
Our new bodies were done chasing the dream
But that’s all we knew how to do..
And all our parents and friends knew how to do.
We saw a Bright White Joyful Blissful Ecstatic Light while we were dead
And we come here pretty sure that that is what we are chasin..
Not yesterdays dream.
But the road to that Light
Heading in the opposite direction of where we have always gone.
As it turns out,
that Light exists at the beginning of the long path we just traveled.
So we turn upon the path and head back towards this light.
And what we encounter on the way back, for one thing…
Is a lot of trash and stuff we left along the trail on our way up.
And we’re finding we need to deal with that “stuff”
to not get blocked on the Road.
But upon choosing this new direction,
everything has changed.
Suddenly we “feel” things,
Whereas we used to “think” about them.
The things we “know” now are not an accumulation of interconnected little factoids that make some kind of logical point.
We feel now…
we “Know” in our hearts,
we know in our bellies….
We have ceased “holding the dream together”
as strongly as many of our fellow humans.
Our descriptions…are just descriptions,
but not our shackles.
We suddenly perceive beyond the Box….
And it can be weird at first….
But everything is weird at first.
It is very important now to learn to
“let the description go”
What is, beyond the description
Is the Truth we seek.
The time is coming where we will begin seeing what really is
Rather than what our minds based upon past pleasure and pain,
tell us it is.
Learning contemplation, is a first step.

So sensitivity, how to deal with “negative “vibes.
I don’t believe I’m an expert on this..
I was open as the Grand Canyon,
But my “protection” was extremely hazardous to my health,
so I won’t tell you how I dealt with it most of my life.
There are lots of little tricks we can all share, which would help each other…
But also all that is kind of “after the fact”
Let’s see what is occurring…
OK, hitherto our perception was based upon impressions coming to us through the “cords of Man”
We reached out from our bellies and touched the world based upon our past fear and desire.
Our cords showed us “our ego’s dream”, and it was basically understandable,
as we had created it step by step.
But upon turning suddenly the view makes no sense,
because what was behind us
Is now in front of us
And we are seeing it from an entirely new angle.
Now we are shifting to “the cords of God”
which come from out of our heads,
and the “cords of the Goddess”,
which come from our hearts.
This is a new perception for us…
it see’s what is
Not what our ego’s supposed it was.
Suddenly the whole world is different.
But we are here together
Sorting it out
The reason we are so “sensitive” is that we are feeling our new awareness through the cords of God and Goddess, and not the cords of Man.
But we are responding to them through some of our old withering cords of man.
We are responding to what our hearts and minds know…with our bellies.
Herein lies the problem.
Some folks wear metal or wood shields under their clothing,
covering their bellies, as an aid .
Some do sit up’s and make their belly muscles a shield…this helps…
Some surround themselves with white Light…this helps.
But you see the way the cords of man work is that we are affected
Only when we are infected
It is about resonating.
We are affected when something in us
Resonates in harmony,
or dischordantly with
Something “outside of” us.
What we perceive through our bellies, through the cords of Man,
is not what is,
It is what was.
My mistake was protecting myself
Blocking the “negative” energy.
This is a farce,
it’s pretending that what we are blocking
Is not currently in us…
But it is,
Or we would not feel the need to block it.
So What is the solution?
Now we called the cords of the heart, “The Cords of Goddess”
We called the Cords coming out of the Head, “The Cords of God”
Well I’m afraid if we want to put this all in context
We’d have to call the cords in the Belly,
Not the cords of Man,
But the cords of Satan.

If we want to be in balance and not affected every time, “Negative” vibes happen
We have to merge the three cords of perception.
We have, thanks to the church” been putting Satan in the fiery pit of hell
For centuries.
Pretending that hell was not of our own creation
In fact it was our creation
And we were living in it.
And it was full of “good and bad” things
Yet the whole of it was Sacred.
After all it was the Souls dream in the first place
It was just the ego’s job to carry it out.
We have been so programmed for so long to deny the truth
Make Satan “bad” and God and Goddess good.
Like the hippies say, “it’s all good”…
You could say, and be accurate on one level that,
God gave Satan the sacred job of Bringing about his creation..
And since this creation was viewed as being something separate from the God who created it, by the Church, and they pronounced this as evil, well Satan became the “bad” guy.
I mean in a dualistic reality, if you have a good guy, you have to have a bad guy.
And I’m sure we all know that the “church’s” main function is to keep us trapped in a dualistic view.
Well that is changing for us, certainly anybody who has managed to read this tirade this far.
We are beginning to see what is
Not a limited description founded in a dualistic view.
So what am I saying, am I going to make some point?
I’m saying merge the three, god, goddess and Satan
Love it all
Any protecting is a verification we are still keeping to a dualistic view.
The problem arose because those souls who turned in their direction
From their Creation
To their Creator
They Suddenly start seeing how all the things they had “built themselves upon” only took them further from their God and Goddess.
And how sad and pathetic their little creation was
Compared to The God and Goddess they were looking towards now…
They judged the whole path they had followed, as a mistake…downright dumb.
Look at all the stupid stuff we did to make our ego’s happy.
But we are forgetting,
all of that….
Was our souls dream
And all of That,
was God and Goddesses dream.
What I’m saying is that when we get all sensitive and shook up, and feel “bad Vibes”
We are feeling a part of our past…and judging it…
Dat B Dat and Dat b wut it B.

Dealing with Certain Uncomfortable Bi-Products of the "Quickening"

This is a reply on another post to some people who were recently "awakened" then went into "a dark period of their souls" They were questioning why after their awakening and all that bliss, did it seem to get so dark and hellish... This is my response to that post.
This is very common... Happened to me as well.
I made it all the more intense by following right after with an intense period of "Light" meditations, spending hours and hours in the Light..
It is a good topic you brought up here. 35 years ago when it happened to me the world was not in the Quickening that we are now. Your experience will become ...and is becoming much more common every day I see posts about this, so let's understand it, and I'll tell you what my guides said that saved me...
First of all your "awakening" could also be referred to as an "enlightening". When we are awakened we are flooded on deep levels with the light.
Now throughout the ages of our evolution, prior to the Awakening we have evolved by adding to ourselves based upon desire, and repelling that which we fear or judge. We have created a dualistic being where all we ever strive for is the feel-good...and we push the "feel bad" judged stuff into the dark corners.
Well then we reach the end of that creating road and turn back upon the path we have traveled, at this point we have our "awakening".. The light floods in, and illuminates the demons we created through our dualistic judgements. They are no longer in their dark corners because the dark corners are temporarily illuminated. Yikes... A lot of stuff happens on a lot of levels now... Depression, anxiety, unknown fears....
Basically we see parts of ourselves we've hidden from for an eternity.
So let me tell you how my experience played out .
As I say I was consciously illuminating everything after my Awakening... I had guides guiding me, yet I did not quite follow their suggestions... I went beyond what they suggested, spending far more time in the Light than I could consciously assimilate. When I wasn't in a state of Illumination, OH MY GOD, all I could see was the dark myself, and I constantly felt like such a fool that finally I couldn't handle it any more.
I was driving along freakin out, I spoke out and said, OK, I'm done with all this meditation stuff, I can't stand to see what a fool I am. Now the guide sitting, well floating above the passenger seat piped in, and this is what was said,
" You are not what you see when you look at your reflection in the mirror.
This is what you were.
You are the one doing the Looking.
Switch from what you see, to the seer,
Don't judge the past that you are seeing
and you'll be fine.

That changed everything. And things started to fly.

We are now walkin back down the path we came up...
Everything we pushed aside with our fear,
we will will pass back over.
If we "judge" it again, as is our old habit....
it will trap us.
If we suspend judgement,
and love the path we have traveled...
when living in all our "ignorance"
we can move swiftly along.
The Light is shining brighter now...
When we come upon yesterdays fears we must learn the new approach...
which is not based upon chasing desire,
and running from fear...
but is based in Love and understanding that in The One We All Are,
there is no duality.

Tip on Knowing your Guides or Angels

So, people keep asking what is a good way to contact your guides or angels.
Well of course we all have a bit of a different way .... but tonight a good useable answer came.
OK, to contact your guides:
First realize that Spirit or God or whatever you call it,
is like a string of pearls.
You each are a pearl in the string...
but you are also the string..
and you are also the necklace.
Every bead in that string,
is you,
just at a different point on the necklace.
So, the happy and genuinely true fact of the matter is
You are your Guides
Just somewhere else on the necklace.
Know this deeply
and you will find it easier to touch that part of yourself.
You tomorrow..... you yesterday
You in timeless space, on another planet....
You from Beginning to End
When we get quiet enough
to disconnect from the drama of this little creation.
This little pearl that we are
we can again know the necklace.

A Very Magical Journey/ Coming out of the "Scary Closet"

This is a long Magical Story, Check the Page on the Right..

The Cords of Man and the Cords of God

I posted this on a forum for a woman who was having some difficulties, 
what came through I really wanted to share here so I changed names.
Hi (person 1),
About “cutting the cord”
I wrote a long reply here last night… started “channelling Spirit” as some folks call it…and crashed my computer.. This happens all the time, used to think it was some ill intentioned spirit that didn’t want particular info out in the world…cuz it was usually on the subject of  “the Cords”, then a friend pointed out that my energy was just so high in that state it was probably just me…. It’s frustrating though and I’m writing this elsewhere now in hopes of cutting and pasting. So here we go again, sorry this is more coming from memory than a direct connection with the info, but maybe I can get it out this way.
About cutting the cord that (person 2) so intuitively suggested. This is what I wanted to speak with you about…. Her suggestion of visualizing cutting the cord is most intuitive… this is not merely a cute and handy little visualization tool for easing discomfort from someone else’s energy….. these cords actually exist, and it is through actual “cords” that the energy enters us.
The subject of the cords is not very well known for some reason in the “spiritual community” and I give credit to (person 2) for bringing up the method of cutting the cord as it was always my first suggestion to folks wanting “to protect”. So even though my dsl/internet box seems to have been fried last night from too much energy, I’m writing this in Word, constantly saving, and will get it out to you one way or another.
OK, the Cords. There are to my knowledge 2 types. One I call the cords of Man (these are the ones (person 2) spoke of) and then there are what I call the cords of God. I learned about the cords of man through personal observation and was taught about the cords of God by an incredible Teacher who actually used them to fly. read about it here: CLICK HERE then scroll down to Meeting the Teacher and Returning from a Magical Journey Today we are only concerned with the cords of man. Now the cords of man enter us in our umbilical region (use this knowledge in whatever cord cutting ceremony you do). These cords are astral in nature…they are built upon emotional/desire/fear energy. They in many ways (not in appearance but in most other respects) resemble crystals. Two attributes of crystals and cords are of most importance to note. First is that a crystal in solution only draws to itself that which is the same, and second…is the quality of resonance. The cords of man work through resonance and a very large part of human communication is taking place through the resonance of cords. You know how when you get emotional your stomach gets tied in knots…you could say on one level this is the cords getting tangled. Anyway when we are “psychically attacked” it comes into us through these cords. So the cutting of a cord that causes us discomfort can be a solution to “psychic attack”. But it is important to understand how it is that cords work…to understand what exactly cords are so we can gain the most from our experience with the cords of Man.
One way to learn more is to go into some public place and take up a position of observer (stay apart from the human drama). And watch peoples interaction. For instance, in a crowded bar a guy walks in looking to find himself a little company …his cords are flying all over the place…looking to connect… They come out of his belly and probe at every potential conquest… however only some women respond. You can notice that some will “feel” him, before they even see him…some might be responding before they have even sighted the dude. The reason is this…as I said cords work with resonance….each cord is built of a certain blend of astral has it’s own hue so to speak…and when it encounters a similar cord in another person…it resonates…. (Feeling the Chemistry). As I said so much of human interaction takes place on this level…and it’s not a problem unless it is not comfortable for one person. Have you ever noticed how you can feel someone checkin you out before you see them, or heard the expression that they “had the feeling of being watched”, well that was awareness of a probing cord. Humans are virtually puppets to these cords sometimes. Now I think it is important to understand where these cords come from…as I have stated they are of an astral nature… Being of an astral nature they are an impediment to our spiritual growth, and the fact is they are buried so deeply in us some times, buried hundreds or even thousands of years in our past. OK, it works like this… this is where the seeds to the cords come from….actually I’m only going to address the cords that cause us discomfort here.
OK (person 1), we have lived a very long time in human bodies, hundreds and thousands of years. Folks on spiritual forums tend to be older than folks on certain other forums….. so during the course of countless lifetimes we have done many “good” things, as well as many “bad” things. Of course now in this lifetime we are understanding that these dualistic judgements are no longer useful or valid, but a thousand years ago when we cut off some dudes head for messin with our significant other… we felt really bad about it later…we didn’t like ourselves much and we didn’t like the guilt we felt or the idea that we were these “bad” people. So we pushed that memory into a dark corner of ourselves so we would not have to feel ashamed. Throughout thousands of years we have pushed thousands of things into dark corners… every thing we fear…we push away, just as we pull every thing we desire to ourselves. Well every thing we fear that we have pushed away to make ourselves more comfortable in our skins…does not go away…and the energy that is required to keep it in that dark place out of the way…feeds it. In all our efforts to avoid those things we have judged fearfully…as bad…. We have not dispelled them in the least, they may be out of sight, but the law of manifestation that says wherever we put energy there will be manifestation in one form or another related to the energy….and as I said it takes a great deal of energy Not to face our fears…
I’ll restate that…It takes a great deal of energy not to face our fears…. And with this energy feeding each repressed judgement of “bad”… what forms is the cords of Man. So now we dance like puppets at the mercy of our fears, our past judgements…and whenever someone comes along with a similar cord, there is a resonance that reminds us of a long repressed “judgement” we had generally about ourselves.
You see so much of our human problems arise because humans have a far more difficult time loving and forgiving themselves, than they do loving and forgiving others… So we carry repressed guilt and judgements of “bad” around for centuries… And they are kept held back in their place because by now all the energy that has gone into repressing them has built them into HUGE monsters that we really fear.
When we are victims of psychic attack we are resonating with a cord that someone has, that also exists in us… in a repressed state…and huge. In a psychic attack it is not the “others” energy that causes us distress, it is actually our own… being hit like a tuning fork by theirs. When it comes down to it, ALL psychic attack really comes from our own past…not some other persons energy…that is just the catalyst that reminds us.
The problem is that if we were suddenly to see all the things we have pushed into dark corners for centuries and fed with the energy of our repression… we’d come to the idea we were the Devil Himself…. This is why we choose to keep those things held back in their dark places…. But this is also the only reason we are subject to “psychic attack”.
You (person 1) are a very sensitive person, but you have this idea deep within that you are not as loveable as you are. You have this deep seated feeling that you are not a beautiful, incredible glowing creation…and you base this on deeds you judged hundreds and thousands of years ago.
Skin problems and joint problems are very very often caused when these demons we have pushed into dark corners…try to escape, and we won’t let them.
The key is not further repression of these demons…that only feeds them. The key is LOVING them TO DEATH.
(person 1)…. Know so deeply in your heart that you are so loveable…. Deeds done were human deeds, we all do them, and they are all forgiveable. The way I look at psychic attacks is they are a gift… a reminder that somewhere way back when, we made a judgement that was not based in love… Now the “attack” is a reminder of that judgement, so we can love it, and free it.
You see (person 1), bad skin and joint problems are a “psychic attack” that is originating in you, towards you.
The external attack you had from that other person started to uproot certain cords of yours, hence the discomfort at suddenly becoming aware of them. Then after that “attack” you diligently tried to put those cords back in their dark places so you wouldn’t have to feel them. The skin breakouts are caused by repression of our awareness of our own cords. Because you are becoming enlightened and the things in the dark corners…the roots of the cords…are being exposed. Now the choice is to lovingly and fearlessly face them… or repress them some more…. But that won’t work forever…it might give temporary respite…but your body is telling you that it’s not going to work anymore. It’s time to Love and Forgive yourself…and past “Transgressors”.
You might do some past life regression therapy…cuz part of the problem is that the roots go so deep and the plant grown and the fruit it bears barely resembles the root, so we don’t know the enemy we need to Love.
When I was in High School I was the king of the Nerds. I was the archetype Nerd. My Mom dressed me in polyester and I had a sizeable collection of pocket protectors. Well the polyester, and my self consciousness made me sweat like a fiend. I had 12 inch circular rings in my armpits that would go all the way down to my waist. I tried putting toilet paper under my pits, but when that fell out of my sleeves was worse than dealing with the rings. People called me Lake Erie Arm Pits…and that was my friends. He he Ouch…anyway the more I worried about my sweaty pits, the worse they got. Finally in my senior year I took this class (this was the end of the 60’s)..and this was a class called human development, first ..and sadly last of it’s kind back then…. But it did me a lot of good and I stopped worrying about what people thought of me, I found out in that class that the person who was hardest on me…was me…the rest of the folks were havin their own issues. Anyway in one day, upon this realization…my arm pits dried up..
Not sure why I shared this…somehow seemed pertinent.
Anyway (person 1), Protection works… and cutting, or sidestepping the cords that are probed at you…works…very well. But it is only temporary, it does not remove the problem, because the truth is that the problem is in you…in the past. And these cords in you you can not cut…. You have to pull them up. And this is done with Love and forgiveness.
Love yourself from Beginning to end…know that everything about you is sacred and beautiful. You are a blessing to the world, and have been for thousands of years…even when you thought and judged otherwise. Love yourself to the deepest reaches of your soul and your face will clear and joints be free. You don’t have to Fear because what you are really fearing has no substance beyond what you give it, and when you finally come face to face with what it is that you actually fear..and love it…. You will laugh and laugh and cry tears of Joy.
You are blessed (person 1)….remember that.
over a year ago · Delete Post

God's evolution...Life and Rebirth... What Happens when we "Die" ?

What happens when God reincarnates?
What happens when we die.
This was part of my can be looked at from a couple angles. Maybe we'll do both here.
OK we all know something is coming down, we've got age old prophesy hither thither and yon concerning this subject.  And so much of it has been hidden .....coded so to speak.  And it's weird because it is difficult for me to not code it here.... tellin it straight out difficult.  
OK, so I realize I haven't posted my Vision here yet on my happened maybe 1972...the first half of it.  I had learned how to "go to the archetype plane" (as I called it) to get answers to questions. The amazing thing is that the answer to any question we might pose, lies just before the intention of the question.... so it's simply a matter of following the Question back , to before it was thought...and there is the answer.  Sounds pretty cryptic, but really it's simply a Contemplation on a question.  (I'm using the word Contemplation here in the original sense, where it means a one pointed attention where the perceiver becomes the perceived. Not a mulling around of thought as it has come to mean in this generation of "thinkers".)  Anyway I asked the Question what is God, and what is Going on here.. he he, nice small questions.  Then I had this vision on an archetype level that pretty much actually answered both of those questions very clearly....however about halfway through the vision (or so I'd find out 30 plus years later) a little puppy was biting down on my hand, and I only saw it halfway through, until maybe 7 years ago when once again I asked....and the vision continues.  I'll write a post on that since it's central to everything I believe and pass along.
But this vision contained the answer to the question about God's reincarnation, because basically the vision was a view of God's evolution from beginning to end, in this cycle of Births.
So I guess that's why I encode it, and keep it hidden because whose gonna believe some old hippie redneck has any clue about Gods evolution....but I'm gonna call it like I saw it....  Later I'll pass along the vision....wish I could just show it to you, because it explains itself perfectly, and loses in the explanation.  But anyway:
So as I had mentioned right now you could say that God, or this Eternity is reaching critical mass...... all the separate pieces are expanding within themselves, but the whole is no longer expanding outward.  Rather it is expanding back within Itself.  This is causing the "Quickening" that all aware folks are experiencing now.
In the vision it all started with this ONE Light...that shuddered, then replicated (almost but not quite identical ); "Created in the Image of Itself"   The first and second were connected by a golden/white cord. They kept creating replications, and the replications created replications and the whole thing expanded outward..... At the same time they were replicating, they were also expanding in size. They were each held to a specific and unique position in the Web(created by the golden white cords that connected the whole thing), all a certain distance apart....yet each growing, so growing closer together. All the while the whole thing is replicating outward across a vast emptiness that was everything that wasn't. Well after a few thousand of what we call years the ones in the center of this whole outward expanding creation, had totally filled their allotted position and began merging with those around them that also were filling their spot in eternity.   At the Center what the Mystics might call the"Spiritual Sun" was formed. It was a merging of all the first replications.  Well as you could figure this spiritual sun was growing as each new group added itself to it, merging into it. And for eons this Creation...this Eternity....this God, expanded outward across the Nothingness until not too long ago when there was a big surprise...He he...The Wall, it hit the freakin Wall, Guess what?, there was an edge to this Eternity. At that point the replications kept replicating, but now back within the whole...And the Light compressed. And the Center Grew more quickly as the Light of each replication was growing at a far faster pace, being fed by the Whole you could say.... It got brighter and brighter and brighter until It All Merged.  Then suddenly, in the total nothingness...appeared a Light, and it shuddered, and replicated...and the whole deal started all over again.
OK, so that is the Cosmic View of the event we could call God's evolution ...similar to Yugas in Hindu belief, but I think they still felt the need to Keep God as a super hero on the outside of it all.....missing the point as most religions have chosen to do, that IT IS ALL GOD....which they will state, yet in the next breath put God back outside as their omnipotent, omnipresent super hero maxima.  But I'm going to interject once again what most of our DNA has been programmed to reject (keeping us down and inferior).... "There is no God, without each of us....and there isn't each of us....without God.
So now we're going to look at it a little more pragmatically.  Because here is the big question on everybody's minds.
When God reincarnates what is to happen to us?
The Apocalypse, the "End of Times" ....
And religion and prophesy has all of it's scary and hopeful ideas.....
And the thing is, as contradictory as most of them are with other other....
They are also all pretty much correct....
The best way to describe the whole thing is to describe it in relation to a human souls death and above, so below, as below, so above.  It's all the same thing. So I'm going to explain what happens when humans die.  Now up front here I guess I better flash some credentials cuz some folks just seem to need that before they even consider the words of another. First off I remember past deaths and rebirths, and the process somewhat, but more important than this earlier in this life and in my last one I was taught a technique that I called, "Yoga of the Death State".  And basically what this amounted to was going through the whole process of dying, but not cutting the silver cord that holds us to our bodies.  This is one area where I was allowed to go beyond the "Rule of Three" and I did it quite a few times, so what I'm going to explain about the death process, is one from experience.  However it must be known that the process is different depending upon a souls point in evolution, but the specifics, the overall Territory of the Death realm, is the same.

OK, here is some stuff I wrote about this before.
So I thought I’d walk you folks through the death and dying process in such a way that you can gain the most benefit.(speed of evolution). OK, first thing that happens is there might be a pop when consciousness disconnects from the brain, then it enters the brain stem. This is the gateway to the “Tunnel of Light”… which on one level is in your spinal column. So in the brain stem is where “Our lives pass b4 our eyes”…the first time…. There is no time as we know it once we enter the brain stem. (you can refer to a Tibetan technique called yoga of the dream state where consciousness is willfully withdrawn to a point here in the neck…and we can see the future and the past). Anyway here is where we tend to have a life review. Now the natural process of death is of consciousness moving out from our head, and down through our spinal column, then out the base of the spine. This appears sometimes as “a tunnel of Light” with a pinprick of bright light at the end. Now what surround this tunnel is the astral plane…the plane of the roots of desire, as I call it. Now the rule for a most successful death is to keep focused on the pinprick of light, and don’t look to the side. Because to the side is the astral plane…. There are various global, and personal heavens and hells here. It is important to note that contrary to what the church has pushed into our DNA, heaven is not the goal here…. Heaven is a desire realm, the epitome of our desires, just as the hells are the epitome of our fears…But they are not real, they are transitory human constructs. The goal is the Light. Even though it has been said by the church that you die and go to heaven or hell for eternity…. It is true…and it is not true. How can this be. Well eternity is a product of time, out there in the heaven and hell realms there is not time as we know it… just as you can dream a mini series in the 3 minutes between getting up in the night to pee, going back to sleep, then the dang alarm going off….so are heavens and hells like this…you can spend an eternity there, yet emerge in “time” minutes later. Hence the Christian confusion on reincarnation…”How can there be reincarnation when our doctrine states that we go to heaven or hell for eternity”…well this is how.
So the rule for those seeking maximum growth is to not be distracted by anything surrounding the tunnel.
There is another trap here as well…. We come across “constructs” of our loved ones here. These are pseudo spirits…. They look act and say things like our dead relatives would say, yet they have no souls… Our group spirits are at the end of and outside of the tunnel. As we all know the law of creation says that upon our thought and emotion we create this world of our perception…well consider all the thought and emotion that goes into every single person in creation…there is no way that something cannot manifest from this, and this is the pseudo spirits I am speaking of, the one’s so many people with Near Death Experiences believe are their dead relatives…. But they aren’t. Another thing you will often encounter right away after consciousness breaks free from the brain is … see I’m just making up language for this as I go… well OK, in the process of evolving, once the soul is at the point where it is no longer ego driven, and by that adding upon itself to complete it’s “creation”, we begin to discard everything we had added. Now it’s important to understand that as a human evolves through the first part of their evolutionary process, where the process is one of adding step by step pieces based upon desire and fear…,this whole process is very ordered…step by step. Now once we “are done” being created, we begin the process of return… Now we go back through the steps which have brought us here, step by step…and we resolve these steps (which were built upon desire and fear) by seeing them as they truly are, without judgment, without desire and fear…at this point they kind of break off from us in a little chunk.
Everything we “transcend” still floats in our periphery for a while. It exist around us, on the astral plane. Now when we die as I say, the tunnel is surrounded by the astral plane and sometimes we will see these pieces floating around us… LOOK AWAY… Do not focus on these things . Because the law of this astral plane is, and the reason to always keep focused on the end of the tunnel, is that where you put your attention, you will be drawn, except in the case of these floating pieces, they will be drawn back into you, it’s almost magnetic, like the hole they left is seeking them back, it’s weird…and counter productive as you will be pulling back your old crap, and if it is pulled out of order…(as I said, we created ourselves in a ordered step by step process)..and this is one cause of certain "mental problems", the incorporation of “things out of order”.
So to summarize at this point there are pseudo souls to avoid, that you will be drawn to…there are heavens and hells…. And all kinds of really weird worlds out there…and putting your attention there can pull you in “for an eternity”….. So just keep focused on the Light at the end of the tunnel. If your intention for this is strong you will be there instantly and not have to deal with all the crazy stuff. Then at the end of the tunnel, you move out into this intense bright blissful white Light. Now the souls here are real, your group is here to aid in planning the next trip. (life). Now when I did this “yoga of the death state” my experience here was a little different than it would be if I had cut the cord, naturally I suppose as I’m not here to plan the next life…but what occurred for me was first being in the Light as long as possible(that’s the rule)…then in the earlier days I was taught by 1 teacher, all in white whose face I could not look at without going totally into the Light again. This teacher was there to teach me things. Later the one teacher became a Group. But I do have memory of what happens when the cord is cut. Here you are with a group of souls who love you and are dedicated to your growth.(because of your position in the web with them, you are kind of like a unit...and when you finally merge with the Spiritual Sun, it will be done with them) And in front of you you see your next life…but it isn’t like a straight road, and everything is not “predestined” as one person asked…not really, because it is like this road with many many forks, and each fork is a choice. So we choose a basic path, but once we are re-born, we don’t always make the choice we had hoped we might, when we were planning out our next life. We set up possibilities, and probabilities, we don’t set up exactly what will happen…I suppose that’s the “free will” folks are always talking about on these forums… We always have the choice…again and again. Some choices end up being little sidetracks, but they are also lessons we learn.
As far as choosing out specific death time goes…. We don’t really choose it in the after life stage I believe, but we choose a number of possible outcomes… all depending upon the choices, the side roads we take in our life… But no death is “out of place” We die when we are supposed to, it all shakes out. It’s so funny, I remember quite a few lives and deaths, and they all kind of make this one big picture, they all fit together to bring about this bigger picture. And what I’ve been learning from my “bigger picture” is that the whole duality thing church and government shoves down our DNA, is a crock. Good and Bad are just human judgements. In one life I was killed by American Indians, in another I was an American indian who killed an American soldier, and then was killed. In one…actually a few, I was killed as a witch, in another I Killed witches (although I loved them and killed them because I didn’t want them to be killed by people who hated and feared them). Some of them thanked me earlier in this life, another one has not forgiven me… but it all shakes out. Anyway this is another topic and I’ve written enough here to cultivate thought and the ever important questions.
OK, we talk about the astral plane, and the position to take for the most benefit when dying, and how to approach the 2012 event…  ( Which I don't believe will occur in 2012, but it represents a specific time that will happen)....and we are talking about the same thing. In all these events we have the three qualities (maybe more, but in my way of seeing at this point) there are 3 qualities that determine experience of the astral plane, three qualities that determine the experience of Death…and of God’s death .
These three qualities, or Laws are the Law of Intention/attention, the Law of Magnetism, and the Law of Momentum. These are what I call the astral laws. The counterpart of Magnetism on the physical plane is Gravity. The counterpart of Momentum is Time on the physical plane….and the counterpart of Intention/attention….. is Intention/attention. he he
OK, so here is how the quality of astral/death/Gods death/rebirth is coloured.
Let’s look at it from the death point of view just to make it so I don’t have to write so much, cuz they are all the same. In death “where we go” is determined first by our “magnetism”…by that peculiar vibrational state that our astral being exhibits. We are magnetized in a certain way depending upon who we are, we are a certain blend of the hues that make up the rainbow. Anyway this “magnetizes” our intentions/attentions direction…what we will magnetically be pulled towards. Now the third quality “momentum” literally grabs us and pulls us in.
Now the task my teachers put forth for me…the Rule they gave me concerning Death, and astral Travel was to focus only on the Light at the other side, not to let my attention be sidetracked by the illusions and glamour of the astral realm ( the various and myriad hues). Well this was pretty easy for me at the time just for some reason my Intention/will was incredibly amplified, so not getting sidetracked wasn’t a big deal, but then my teachers were also always there guiding me. There is another part of this equation. Yes we have the Intention, the Will which we apply not to get sidetracked when "the end" gets here, or we die, or we venture out upon the astral plane…. But we also have our peculiar state of magnetism expressing itself through our intention. We have the quality of our life’s astral nature magnetizing us and sending us to whatever is similar there in the “in between time” This is why they like to say that bad folks go to hell, and good to heaven… A rather simplistic view considering most folks go to both for a time, if within their magnetic structure they are strongly magnetized in “positive and negative” ways, as most of us humans are. So it is the quality of our life that determines the quality of our death, our "END of Days"experience and our astral plane experience.
Here is the bottom line, if we want to gravitate toward the Light, which as you know is the totality of all the hues of the rainbow, we must become like that, we must become of the Light, of the totality of the expressed divisions of the light.
So this morning my wife was talking about problems she has dealing with certain people. And I pointed out how we only have problems with folks when their energy resonated with something within us. How so often folks give us a hard time because they are trying to deal with their own stuff, but we humans face our demons so much more easily if we can project them on another…and condemn them there. Really the only problems we have with folks, are problems we have within ourselves. It is that “magnetism” quality that draws them to us, and us to them. And the “Momentum” that sucks us in and makes it hard for us to let go of the Turmoil. So just as we search for the Light upon the astral, and in death….and to truly find it we must first be it….. so the way to deal with difficulties we have with others , is to balance it within ourselves.
We are all a blend of rainbow hues, expressions of the pure Light. But as long as we are so unique in our blends….we will encounter dis harmony. We are magnetized in a limited way, we will be pulled by our intention to whatever it is we are expressing, so the bottom line in our desire for harmony in our death, our astral experience and in the Final Experience….as well as in harmony in our day to day life is to bring all the colors into balance….. bring them all to their epitome….which is the pure Light.
Sooner or later we have to culminate our separate ego based existence, because it will always bring discord. The time is coming where the path of least resistance is The Light…. Where fighting to uphold our separate ideas of ourselves will be more difficult.
So just as our experience on the astral plane, and during the death process is determined by our particular hue…. We are also magnetized in our day to day life with this. We have spent centuries seeking what made us feel good, and running from what made us feel bad….. Yet this will never bring us Peace or Unity. We have sought out only certain colors that we were magnetized for in a positive way, and repelled the colors which made us uncomfortable, gave us fear. This is the process of evolution….this is Satanic in Nature….all about the separate little self….this is part of the sacred process…yet this time is up, now we are entering a time where the Glory of all the colors is what we revel in…all the colors in total balance….. This is the Sun, this is the “Truth” and this is the eventual goal for all of us.
OK, a couple things I had, as far as when "God Reincarnates".... the same procees holds, except that suddenly all of Humanity and everything else will be in that Timeless state....
There are three ways to Go.  Heaven's, Hells, or the Light..... and each of these is timeless. So, not to worry (unless you are a habitual worrier, then you might be gonna have a lovely trip to a Hell Realm for an Eternity.)
But then in the Blink of an Eye, God is Reborn.  It's a strange paradox.  An eternity....and a blink of an eye...all at once.
So here is my tip for you,
Feed the Joy, and that is what you will Get in the end....
in your little death it will take you to a Heaven realm...
.in God's death it will take you to a heaven realm.
It has nothing to do with being "Good or Bad"...those are foolish human judgments that will tend to put you in a Hell Realm....  It's about the world you create with your love and intention.... Put your energy to Beauty, and beauty is what you will have.  Put your attention on fear, and sickness, and grief, and anger....and all that is what you will create your world out of.   It's pretty basic Law. 
Feed the's Time.