Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Truth About Chemtrails and HAARP

OK, just to be on the safe side I'm going to call this little bit of Truth....Fiction

So there's been a lot of supposition about why these people find it necessary to spray toxic elements from airplanes.... 
The whole world over.

We've seen them "refueling" one of their planes twice above our house.
Two Huge planes connected up, right over us.
 Then spraying out their huge clouds in crisscross patters all across the sky.
Well there are a lot of ideas floating around out there about this..... but the truth is scarier than all of those ideas.

 But first to explain this I have to give you some background:

If you haven't read the part under,"Coming out of the scary Weirdness Closet about meeting the "German" and the mind control Healing Machine
And scroll down to those two chapters.

A short summation is that ,"the German" was a voice that entered my head when I was a young teen, just long enough to instruct me in the building of a machine that allowed a plant to express emotion auditorilly, and on the screen of an oscilloscope. 
He was alive at that time and probably in a building at Ames Research Center (NASA).
As soon as the project was done, he disappeared from my head for a number of years.
Later on, when he had been killed, his voice came back and told me about a Machine capable of healing most of Mankind's ailments.... but also capable of controlling minds.
I'm not going into all this now...
But suffice to say,
He's Back.

I've been doing my best to shut him out.
He approaches me on the Fifth Ray...
which you can probably Google if you don't know what that means... It doesn't really matter.... but the Fifth Ray for me is ....
HMMM?  It's like a whirlpool that pulls me into Patterns of Knowledge..
That just go on and on..... 
and kind of take me away....
On long journeys of discovery.
But I don't have time for that...
Takes all my time these days just to survive and pay the bills...
So I've attempted to avoid Him..
But it's becoming impossible.

So He's back and telling me more things....

And the most recent little bit of info was regarding chemtrails..

This is all in his area of expertise, he was head of the Mind Control Project back in the late 60's early 70's.

So here's the deal...
The Chemtrails are used for Mind Control...

Here is how it works.

Thoughts and emotions have very specific ,"energy signatures."

Thirty years ago ,"the Machine" was able to define specific energy signature of differing emotions and very specific thoughts.

It was also able to replicate these signatures on many levels.
With Radio Frequencies,
with Light Frequencies
and with elemental combinations.

It was entirely possible at this point to make people think or feel whatever the ones in control wanted to make them think or feel.

The German told me back in the early 70's that they were able to use certain elemental combinations to create certain emotions (generally anger and Fear).
And that they were able to use the RF frequencies and even just the proper combinations of color on a television screen, to bring about certain thoughts and emotions in people. 

This was how they created the Plant Machine through me
when I had no clue about what I was doing.
I was just a guinea pig in that little experiment.

But that was all many years ago and the science has come a long way.
Now we have things like HAARP, that can bounce thought and emotional patterns off the atmosphere...to any given point on the planet.

And what they have found is that by using a combination of the methods (light,rf,and elemental) they can make anyone think and do whatever they want.

If you take note of the News, which I try my best no to...
you will see a lot of things happening lately.
The murders in CO. And also various places around the world where poor folks who fit the right profiles are used to help further certain agenda's..
Like taking away your ability to protect yourself...

They use things like guilt and fear and the idea that eating certain diets (that are contrary to good health)...
are the right thing to do.

They make people believe the most obvious of lies,,,
like Sept 11th,
Like the death of Osama Bin Laden,
And keep the Sheep in their pens, believing that the Shepherds have their best interests at heart..
Even as the Shepherds are murdering people worldwide....millions of em
for greed...
And they even get the poor sheep to finance the mass murder.

So, the Chemtrails are simply a specific combination of elements that resonate at certain frequencies, that can be further stimulated through various means... (the color combinations at half time of the most popular football games).
Color and sound combinations on a movie screen...
Chemical combinations in your processed foods...
And bounced off the atmosphere right into your home.

Your thought and emotions are no longer entirely your own.
It's time to quiet our minds and emotions and listen to our souls.
This is, and actually has always been the road to true freedom.