Sunday, June 12, 2011

Karma...what it actually is

Karma, what it actually is

The punishment/reward concept is not really what Karma is really about.
All throughout our evolution as souls judgements are made...
dualistic assumptions which we impose on the simple truths of Life...
dualistic assumptions that rob us of clear vision...
And when these dualistic assumptions are labeled "bad"...we repress them....
when they are labeled "good" we desire them.
The problem with the "bad" is we put forth a lot of energy to push it away from ourselves...
to hide it in dark corners of ourselves where we don't have to deal with it. But all the energy that it takes to maintain it in it's dark it a new life , and this life has no real existence...except in our Fear.
And as our fear feeds grows and grows...yet with our mighty wills we still hold it at bay.
Well, guess what...we can't do that forever... We have to face the things we have judged as bad and feared eventually....
They ALL come back eventually.
And as you say, rather than look at this as a cause of suffering...
it becomes our path to Freedom.
Karma is our path to Freedom..
At some point we all turn on the road we have traveled,
we are returning to our Source..
.but upon this road we encounter ALL those things we have judged good and bad on our trip up the road...
The bad ones have become our Demons...
the Good ones...our illusions...
Yet now we face them without Judgement...
without fear or desire...
and this allows them to be what they really are....
just another star in the sky...
This is our Karma....
facing our judgements...
Simple as that.