Sunday, June 12, 2011

What happens when we die

Hello, I thought I’d enter this discussion as I have some experience on the matter. I have memory of a few deaths and in my past life and earlier in this lifetime my Guides taught me a technique that you might call Yoga of the After Death State. Basically what this amounted to was dying over and over again, but without cutting the silver cord. So I thought I’d walk you folks through the death and dying process in such a way that you can gain the most benefit.(speed of evolution). OK, first thing that happens is there might be a pop when consciousness disconnects from the brain, then it enters the brain stem. This is the gateway to the “tunnel of Light”… which on one level is in your spinal column. So in the brain stem is where “our lives pass b4 our eyes”…the first time…. There is no time as we know it once we enter the brain stem. (you can refer to a Tibetan technique called yoga of the dream state where consciousness is willfully withdrawn to a point here in the neck…and we can see the future and the past). Anyway here is where we tend to have a life review. Now the natural process of death is of consciousness moving out from our head, and down through our spinal column, then out the base of the spine. This appears sometimes as “a tunnel of Light” with a pinprick of bright light at the end. Now what surround this tunnel is the astral plane…the plane of desire. Now the rule for a most successful death is to keep focused on the pinprick of light, and don’t look to the side. Because to the side is the astral plane…. There are various global, and personal heavens and hells here. It is important to note that contrary to what the church has pushed into our DNA, heaven is not the goal here…. Heaven is a desire realm, the epitome of our desires, just as the hells are the epitome of our fears…But they are not real, they are transitory human constructs. The goal is the Light. Even though it has been said by the church that you die and go to heaven or hell for eternity…. It is true…and it is not true. How can this be. Well eternity is a product of time, out there in the heaven and hell realms there is not time as we know it… just as you can dream a mini series in the 3 minutes between getting up in the night to pee, going back to sleep, then the dang alarm going off….so are heavens and hells like this…you can spend an eternity there, yet emerge in “time” minutes later. Hence the Christian confusion on reincarnation…”How can there be reincarnation when our doctrine states that we go to heaven or hell for eternity”…well this is how.
So the rule for those seeking maximum growth is to not be distracted by anything surrounding the tunnel.
There is another trap here as well…. We come across “constructs” of our loved ones here. These are pseudo spirits…. They look act and say things like our dead relatives would say, yet they have no souls… Our group spirits are at the end of and outside of the tunnel. As we all know the law of creation says that upon our thought and emotion we create this world of our perception…well consider all the thought and emotion that goes into every single person in creation…there is no way that something cannot manifest from this, and this is the pseudo spirits I am speaking of, the one’s so many people with Near Death Experiences believe are their dead relatives…. But they aren’t. Another thing you will often encounter right away after consciousness breaks free from the brain is … see I’m just making up language for this as I go… well OK, in the process of evolving, once the soul is at the point where it is no longer ego driven, and by that adding upon itself to complete it’s “creation”, we begin to discard everything we had added. Now it’s important to understand that as a human evolves through the first part of their evolutionary process, where the process is one of adding step by step pieces based upon desire and fear…,this whole process is very ordered…step by step. Now once we “are done” being created, we begin the process of return… Now we go back through the steps which have brought us here, step by step…and we resolve these steps (which were built upon desire and fear) by seeing them as they truly are, without judgment, without desire and fear…at this point they kind of break off from us in a little chunk.
Everything we “transcend” still floats in our periphery for a while. It exist around us, on the astral plane. Now when we die as I say, the tunnel is surrounded by the astral plane and sometimes we will see these pieces floating around us… LOOK AWAY… Do not focus on these things . Because the law of this astral plane is, and the reason to always keep focused on the end of the tunnel, is that where you put your attention, you will be drawn, except in the case of these floating pieces, they will be drawn back into you, it’s almost magnetic, like the hole they left is seeking them back, it’s weird…and counter productive as you will be pulling back your old crap, and if it is pulled out of order…(as I said, we created ourselves in a ordered step by step process)..and this is one cause of things like Autism, the incorporation of “things out of order”.
So to summarize at this point there are pseudo souls to avoid, that you will be drawn to…there are heavens and hells…. And all kinds of really weird worlds out there…and putting your attention there can pull you in “for an eternity”….. So just keep focused on the Light at the end of the tunnel. If your intention for this is strong you will be there instantly and not have to deal with all the crazy stuff. Then at the end of the tunnel, you move out into this intense bright blissful white Light. Now the souls here are real, your group is here to aid in planning the next trip. (life). Now when I did this “yoga of the death state” my experience here was a little different than it would be if I had cut the cord, naturally I suppose as I’m not here to plan the next life…but what occurred for me was first being in the Light as long as possible(that’s the rule)…then in the earlier days I was taught by 1 teacher, all in white whose face I could not look at without going totally into the Light again. This teacher was there to teach me things. Later the one teacher became a Group. But I do have memory of what happens when the cord is cut. Here you are with a group of souls who love you and are dedicated to your growth. And in front of you you see your next life…but it isn’t like a straight road, and everything is not “predestined” as one person asked…not really, because it is like this road with many many forks, and each fork is a choice. So we choose a basic path, but once we are re-born, we don’t always make the choice we had hoped we might, when we were planning out our next life. We set up possibilities, and probabilities, we don’t set up exactly what will happen…I suppose that’s the “free will” folks are always talking about on these forums… We always have the choice…again and again. Some choices end up being little sidetracks, but they are also lessons we learn.
As far as choosing out specific death time goes…. We don’t really choose it in the after life stage I believe, but we choose a number of possible outcomes… all depending upon the choices, the side roads we take in our life… But no death is “out of place” We die when we are supposed to, it all shakes out. It’s so funny, I remember quite a few lives and deaths, and they all kind of make this one big picture, they all fit together to bring about this bigger picture. And what I’ve been learning from my “bigger picture” is that the whole duality thing church and government shoves down our DNA, is a crock. Good and Bad are just human judgements. In one life I was killed by American Indians, in another I was an American indian who killed an American soldier, and then was killed. In one…actually a few, I was killed as a witch, in another I Killed witches (although I loved them and killed them because I didn’t want them to be killed by people who hated and feared them). Some of them thanked me earlier in this life, another one has not forgiven me… but it all shakes out. Anyway this is another topic and I’ve written enough here to cultivate thought and the ever important questions.